When people need to have their shingles replaced, they have the option to keep the existing underlayment by going for a roof layover. However, a commercial roofing contractor will most likely recommend a tear off and have the underlayment replaced as well. Why is this the case? Read on to find out why.
The Underlayment Might Already Be Damaged
If the existing shingles are already due for a replacement, there’s a good chance that the underlayment has also been damaged to an extent. This is normal since the underlayment acts as a secondary layer of protection against the elements. A fresh layer of shingles and a new underlayment ensures that both layers of the roof are in good condition.
The Old Underlayment Is Deteriorating
Even if the underlayment doesn’t have any significant damage, roofing companies will still check if a tear off is necessary. Like other roofing components, parts tend to become more vulnerable as they deteriorate over the years. If the old underlayment starts experiencing issues, fixing it could involve tearing off the recently-installed shingles to get to the problem.
The Roof Might Be Updated According to Building Codes
In some cases, a tear off is necessary to make sure that the house follows local building regulations. This usually happens with older homes, when building codes were either more lax or just drastically different from the current regulations.
Consult an Expert First
Of course, the best way to make sure you’re making the right call is to get advice from the experts. Commercial roofing contractors can help you figure out if a simple layover is good enough or if a complete tear off is your only choice. Either way, you’ll likely get more value out of a choice supported by certified professionals.
Get a new roof for your home today with help from our experts. Hinkle Roofing is the leading window contractor in Long Island. you can call us at (205) 964-9677 or fill out this contact form to request a quote.