Your initial meeting with your prospective roofer should also be a crucial interview to learn more about them. Even if you’re the less experienced party coming into the project, you ought to take control of the conversation to make a sound hiring decision.
For Hinkle Roofing, here are some of the most important questions you need to ask your prospective roofing company:
Where Is Your Office?
Find out the physical location of the company you’re going to work with. Many contractors actually don’t have a permanent address because they chase storms and move from one place to another. Having no real office is the only red flag you need to hear to determine if you can’t trust the company.
Are You Licensed and Insured?
The Yellowhammer State has licensing requirements in place to weed out incompetent and unreliable roofers. Further, ask about insurance; reputable asphalt shingle and metal roofing contractors are insured to take accountability in case of property damage and worker injury. Before you sign the contract, verify your prospective roofer’s proof of license and insurance to avoid being taken for a ride.
Can You Provide References?
Honest roofers will be glad to provide references because there’s no better advertisement than word of mouth. But don’t be satisfied with customer information your prospective contractor gives you. Read online reviews on trustworthy sources, like GAF’s site, to hear what other people say about the company.
What Is Your BBB Rating?
The company’s BBB rating speaks a lot about its dispute-resolution policy. Whether you’re tackling a roof repair or replacement project, it pays to hire a contractor that owns up to their mistakes, big or small.
At Hinkle Roofing, you can count on us to carry out your project in line with the latest building regulations and industry standards. Our 110 years of experience is reflected in our brand of service, but we’d be happy to answer your questions to ease your mind. Call us at (205) 352-1940 to talk about your roofing needs, and get a free estimate in Tuscaloosa, AL, or any nearby communities.