Run a search for a residential or commercial roofing contractor online and you’ll end up with a mix of local companies and national franchises. In today’s post, Hinkle Roofing discusses the benefits of working with a local roofing company.
A roofing contractor in close proximity offers unique advantages that others can’t. You can call on them for a roofing inspection or a consultation on relatively short notice. They can also be counted on during a roofing emergency, which can make the difference between minor leak repairs and major roofing restoration.
Assistance With Insurance Claims
Another benefit of having roofing contractors in close proximity is that they can be on site right after a storm hits the area. This is critical because the sooner you get to submit all the required documentation for a claim, the sooner your insurance claim will be initiated. An experienced local roofing contractor can also be your advocate and make sure that you will be properly compensated for your insurance claim.
Personalized Service
Local roofers serve a relatively smaller customer base. Chances are, local roofing companies are owned by someone you know, or have installed or repaired the roofs of people that you know. These companies can provide warm, personalized service and a better customer experience. From the first consultation to installation, all the way to the final quality inspection, you know who will be working on your roof.
Knowledge of Local Requirements
Every building and renovation project has to comply with rules set forth by building codes — both international and local — as well as the HOA in certain communities. Noncompliance can result in fines and costly do-overs. Local contractors would be more knowledgeable with local rules and would place your roofing project at lower risk of unplanned costs caused by noncompliance. They can also perform corrections on old buildings that complied with now-outdated codes and rules.
Hinkle Roofing is your leading provider of residential and commercial roofing services. Give us a call at (205) 964-9677. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.