Your commercial roofing needs to be in good shape; its condition directly affects the overall integrity of your structure and the well-being of those living beneath it. It is an owner’s responsibility to provide residents with a safe and healthy roof.
In some cases, however, owners ignore or underestimate significant signs of damage. This can lead to higher electricity costs, leaks or even structural damage. In this post, Hinkle Roofing shares three signs your commercial roof needs a replacement.
1. Water Infiltration
Although the outer surface of your roof appears to be in decent condition, moisture may be present below the roof membrane. Excessive moisture can degrade insulation, which leads to higher energy bills as your HVAC system tries to compensate. Your roofers can determine the current condition of the roof when they inspect it.
2. Appearance
An excellent commercial roof can beautify the exterior portions of your business establishment. Similar to curb appeal, a well-maintained roof speaks of professionalism and attention to detail, attributes that can seal the deal in business matters. If your roof appears to be filthy, mold-infested or missing several components, it could curtail potential deals.
3. Deck Issues
Extended and repeated moisture buildup in roof assemblies and decks can lead to mold problems. When the roof deck is severely damaged, you will have no option but to replace it. Prevention is key.
Hinkle Roofing recognizes the importance of the roof for commercial purposes. Our team of professional roofing experts can guarantee exceptional services to that end. To learn more about us and our products, call us at (205) 352-1940. We serve Calera, Hoover, and other nearby areas in AL.